
Saturday, May 5, 2012

On Gay Marriage

The institution of marriage is being completely ruined. There are people in our country today who choose a lifestyle that flies in the face of our national good will. They abuse the liberties we have inherited from our wise forefathers via the bill of rights. They display their own public relationships with possessive pride.

They are citizens of the United States that oppose gay marriage.

I’ve heard the reasons. It’s unnatural. It invalidates the sanctity of marriage. It will bankrupt the morals of our youth. I don’t want to see/hear/smell anything gay. It’s a gateway to anarchy and hell!

Reduced-brightness Hellfire for safe viewing.

There are actually theories that purport quite natural reasons for homosexuality. For instance, the presence of gay men may actually be a benefit to their female siblings. Their contributions to their sisters’ offspring increase the level of care for those children. It’s been called the “gay uncle” theory, but is more traditionally known as “kin selection” by evolution theorists.

Another theory is that it is an adaptive technique for slowing explosive population growth. It could be a physiological response built in to try to curb our suicidal rush to overburden our lovely little planet. Of course, none of this really matters to gay people. They know their own identities and they want to be happy just like anyone else. They don’t need to be catalogued or fixed. They just need to be.

So about that whole sanctity of marriage thing…aren’t you religious folks supposed to let God be the judge? It is completely and rightly up to you if you don’t want to allow same-sex ceremonies in your churches. If you intrinsically disagree with it, attend a church that doesn’t participate. I’m positive there are other more understanding congregations that will be more than happy to accept those you reject and the tithes that go with them.

Next up, a friendly message to the homophobes: get over it. You are going to see gay things for the rest of your life. It takes a lot more energy to fight it than accept that there are people who live different than you. That energy is better spent fighting off telemarketers and getting through traffic. Ironically, objecting to homosexuality simply draws more attention to it. And you know your kids are just looking for a way to rebel.

Sure, they SEEM friendly.

I have a personal reason for not wanting gays to get married. Frequently, they are the life of the party. If society allows them to settle down and become stable and happy, they may also become boring. But that’s just my own selfishness talking.

Then again, all of the reasons to oppose gay marriage boil down to that one thing.  Selfishness.  Ask yourself who is more selfish? Two people wanting to share their lives bonded together or others that want to prevent those people from living happily ever after?

1 comment:

  1. JJ... Thank You! I don't need to say anything more than that. It is nice to know that there are sane people in this country!
